8:45am Sunday January 29th, 2023 Tom Hunter Park, Hunter Way, Faulconbridge
Entries Close 11:59pm December 30th, 2022. No late or on the day entries.
DETAILS: Ages: Under 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 & Seniors Cost: $5 per event capped at $25 Athletes can compete up 1 age group (if event isn’t offered for their age group) FIRST CALL 8:45 All events will be called (if you are competing out of your age group it will up to you to manage clashes) All events are timed finals, NO PROTESTS, fun day
AWARDS: Medals awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Trophy to be awarded in feature event for each age group
PAYMENTS: Direct deposit to:
Springwood District Athletics Club BSB: 062-601 ACC: 00901225
Please use Surname as deposit reference
ENTRIES: All entries must email entry form and proof of payment to: sdaccomps@gmail.com Entries will be confirmed by email.
No refunds will be given for change of mind.
WEATHER: All updates and changes if required due to unforeseen weather will be made via our Facebook page.
Kimberley Verriere
Championship Officer: sdaccomps@yahoo.com OR 0414986770
David Verriere
Club President: sdacpresident@gmail.com OR 0404479233